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Scolio-Pilates® is a three-dimensional exercise program for scoliosis. The program is designed to elongate the spine towards neutral with strengthening techniques to support the spine in its new alignment.

Helen New

Scolio-Pilates® Principal Educator

Specialising in working with Scoliosis for 15 years now, Helen is passionate about helping her clients with this condition live a functional life. She also has a strong passion for educating Pilates Instructors and other Allied Health Instructors on how best to help this clientele. 


She has written her own Workshop “Curvy Bodies – A Deeper Look at Scoliosis” and delivered this to several states in Australia over the last few years.   


In 2019 she was invited by Karena Thek, founder of Scolio-Pilates® to become a Principal Educator and to represent her 'Down Under'!  Helen is able to offer training in Module 1, 2 & 3 of the Scolio-Pilates® Method.  Her current schedule, both online and face to face delivery is detailed below.  


If you would like to host Helen at your Studio to run Scolio-Pilates® training, please be sure to contact her at


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